MEDI-BOOK comes with an easily understandable reporting system. This enables you to quickly produce standard outputs at the click of a button. All reports in the system allow you to display the current days information and also report on a date range, which is down to the minute, ensuring that all information in the system is accessible.
Accident Management
You are able to report on accident criteria, i.e location, symptoms, type, individual person, person type, as well as overview reports.
Employee Historical Reporting
Information on all the accidents which have occurred for an individual person, along with links to display the relevant incident reports.
Accident and Illness Report
Using MEDI-BOOK you are able to produce a detailed accident report, which highlights all the key information as to what has occurred, how, when and where etc. In addition with the ability to share this information with others via screen, print or email.
When a report is required to be sent via email or printed the key report information is redacted, this is to ensure that the information cannot be easily identified back to an individual.