MEDI-BOOK Business Edition

MEDI-BOOK Medical Room

The MEDI-BOOK Medical Room module enables you to record additional information relating to an incident. You can also add additional interactions and treatments given, as well as building up a history of all actions performed to help the employee or visitor.

Each Medical Room interaction is attached to the main incident report, enabling a full history and audit of what has occurred.

The Medical Room allows the user to search for a specific person’s name and look through their history of accidents and illnesses, in order to find a certain record or to check over their recent history to see if there is anything untoward as a member of staff has raised a concern of that person.

The user can also filter each type of record by the date or time it happened and adjust the way the records are listed from latest to earliest.

They can also search through a particular history of records by typing in a type of injury or accident location into the individual records search bar for example.

Along with this you are also able to:

  • View a employees’s emergency contact details, who the person is and their relationship to them.
  • Add additional Medical Room notes
  • View historical Medical Room interactions
Medical Room